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His life in

Charlemagne was the king of the Franks between 768 and 814, and the ruler of the west from 800-814. He strengthened the European political and economic life. He founded the Holy Roman Empire and promoted the cultural revival known as the Carolingian Renaissance.


Charlemagne's rule majorly influenced Europe's push to create a unique civilisation unlike any other civilisation ever known, different from that of Rome or Greece or Egypt.










Historical Dated

741 CE

Pepin the Short hailed as mayor of the palace. The father of Charlemagne.

742 CE

The birth of Charlemagne.


751 CE

Pepin the Short deposed of the last Merovingian king and was declared the king of the Franks.

October, 768 CE

Pepin the Short declared dead, Charlemagne and his younger brother, Carloman, take over the empire.

771 CE

Carloman unexpectedly died, Charlemagne is now the ruler of the entire Frank kingdom.

772 CE

Charlemagne declared war on the Saxons.

791-795 CE

Charlemagne crushed the power of the Avars and added their kingdom as their state.

800 CE

Charlemagne has now crushed many rival powers. He was crowned by the Pope on Christmas day.

804 CE

Charlemagne finished off the war with the Saxons.

806 CE

 Charlemagne, now 64 divided his realm among his three sons.


810 CE, April

Death of two of his sons, Charles, shortly followed by Pepin.

811 CE

Charlemagne made his final will.


813 CE

Last son, Louis was crowned by father.


814 CE January 28th

The end of a great king, and the start of accurate date taking.


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